

  1. 小麦遗传转化体系的建立
  2. 小麦基因组编辑体系的应用

河南农业大学 “青年英才”启动基金,2021-03至2026-03,50万元,主持;
1.Liu H.Y., Wang K., Jia Z.M., Gong Q., Lin Z.S., Du L.P., Pei X.W., and Ye, X.G. Efficient induction of haploid plants in wheat by editing of TaMTL using an optimized Agrobacterium-mediated CRISPR system. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, 71: 1337-1349
2.Liu H.Y., Wang K., Tang H.L., Gong Q., Du L.P., Pei X.W., and Ye X.G. CRISPR/Cas9 editing of wheat TaQ genes alters spike morphogenesis and grain threshability. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2020, 47: 563-575
3.Liu H.Y., Wang K., Xiao L.L., Wang S.L., Du L.P., Cao X.Y., Zhang X.X., Zhou Y., Yan Y.M., and Ye X.G. Comprehensive identification and bread-making quality evaluation of common wheat somatic variation line AS208 on glutenin composition. PLOS ONE, 2016, 11: e0146933
4.Liu H.Y., Wang K., Wang J., Du L.P., Pei X.W., and Ye X.G. Genetic and agronomic traits stability of marker-free transgenic wheat plants generated from Agrobacterium mediated co-transformation in T2 and T3 generation. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2020, 19: 23-32
5.Wang K*., Liu H.Y*., Du L.P., and Ye X.G. Generation of marker-free transgenic hexaploid wheat via an Agrobacterium-mediated co-transformation strategy in commercial Chinese wheat varieties. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017, 15: 614-623 (共同第一作者)
6.Tang H.L., Liu H.Y*., Zhou Y., Liu H.W., Du L.P., Wang K., and Ye X.G. Fertility recovery of wheat male sterility controlled by Ms2 using CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 19: 224-226  (共同第一作者)
7.Zhao P., Wang K., Lin Z.S., Liu H.Y., Li X., Du L.P., Yan Y.M., and Ye X.G. A genetic evidence of chromosomal fragment from bridge parent existing in substitution lines between two common wheat varities. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016, 15: 10-17
8.Zhao P., Wang K., Zhang W., Liu H.Y., Du L.P., Hu H.R., and Ye X.G. Comprehensive analysis of differently expressed genes and proteins in albino and green plantlets from a wheat anther culture. Biologia Plantarum, 2017, 61: 255-265
9.刘会云, 刘畅, 王坤杨, 杜丽璞, 王轲, 佘茂云, 叶兴国. 小麦高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基鉴定及其品质效应研究进展. 植物遗传资源学报, 2016, 17: 701-709
10.刘会云, 王婉晴, 李欣, 王轲, 王龙, 杜丽璞, 晏月明, 叶兴国. 小麦突变体AS208中Glu-B1位点缺失对籽粒中蛋白体形成和储藏蛋白合成与加工相关基因表达的影响. 作物学报, 2017, 43: 691-700
11.陈海强, 刘会云, 王轲, 张双喜, 叶兴国, 植物单倍体诱导技术发展与创新. 遗传, 2020, 42: 466-482.

  1. 一种表达载体及其在制备转基因植物中的应用. 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2016 1 0204910.0, 2020.(第二发明人
  2. 小麦TaWox5基因在提高小麦转化效率中的应用. 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2017 1 0422896.6, 2020.(第三发明人