

2012.09-2016.06 河南农业大学,农学(绍?实验班),农学学士;
2016.09-2022.12 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,生物化学与分子生物学,理学博士;
  1. Zhao S.Z., Han X.Y., Zhu Y.C., Han Y.W., Liu H.Y., Chen Z., Li H.F., Wang D., Tian C.F., Yuan Y.T., Guo Y.J., Si X.M., Wang D.W., and Ji X. CRISPR/CasΦ2-mediated gene editing in wheat and rye. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2024 Feb 13. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13624.
  2. Li H.F ., Liu H ., Hao C.Y., Li T, Liu Y.C., Wang X.L., Yang Y.X., Zheng J., and Zhang X.Y. The auxin response factor TaARF15-A1 negatively regulates senescence in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Physiology. 2023, 191(2): 1254-1271. (co-first authors)
  3. Liu Y.C., Xi W., Wang X.L., Li H.F., Liu H.X., Li T., Hou J., Liu X., Hao C.Y., Zhang X.Y. TabHLH95-TaNF-YB1 module promotes grain starch synthesis in bread wheat. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2023, 50(11): 883-894.
  4. Wang X.L., Liu Y.C., Hao C.Y., Li T., Majeed U., Liu H.X., Li H.F., Hou J., and Zhang X.Y. Wheat NAC-A18 regulates grain starch and storage proteins synthesis and affects grain weight. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2023, 136(6): 123.
  5. Li C., Zhuang L., Li T., Hou J., Liu H.X., Jian C., Li H.F, Zhao J., Liu Y.C, Xi W., Hao P.A., Liu S.J., Si X.M., Wang X.L., Zhang X.Y., and Hao C.Y. Conservatively transmitted alleles of key agronomic genes provide insights into the genetic basis of founder parents in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Plant Biology. 2023, 23(1): 100.
  6. Liu R.F., Hou J., Li H.F., Xu P., Zhang Z.B., and Zhang X.Y. Association of TaD14-4D, a gene involved in strigolactone signaling, with yield contributing traits in wheat. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021, 22 (7): 3748.
  7. Zhang Y.F., Li T., Geng Y.K., Wang Y.M., Liu Y.C., Li H.F., Hao C.Y., Wang H.J., Shang X.W., and Zhang X.Y. Identification and development of a KASP functional marker of TaTAP46-5A associated with kernel weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Breeding. 2021, 140(4): 585-594.
  8. Liu H ., Li H.F. , Hao C.Y., Wang K., Wang Y.M., Qin L., An D.G., Li T., and Zhang X.Y. TaDA1, a conserved negative regulator of kernel size, has an additive effect with TaGW2 in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2020, 18(5): 1330-1342. (co-first authors)
  9. Zhang W ., Li H.F ., Zhi L.Y., Su Q.N., Liu J.J., Ren X.L., Meng D.Y., Zhang N., Ji J., Zhang X.Y., and Li J.M. Functional markers developed from TaGS3, a negative regulator of grain weight and size, for marker-assisted selection in wheat. The Crop Journal. 2020, 8(6): 943-952. (co-first authors)
  10. Liu H., Li T., Wang Y.M., Zheng J., Li H.F., Hao C.Y., and Zhang X.Y. TaZIM-A1 negatively regulates flowering time in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2019. 61 (3): 359-376.
柳洪,李甜,王雅美,郑军,李慧芳,郝晨阳,张学勇. 小麦TaZIM1-7A蛋白在调控作物抽穗期中的应用. 授权ZL2017110371497.