

以通讯或第一作者在Molecular Plant、Developmental Cell、Plant Cell、Trends in Plant Science、New Phytologist等期刊发表学术论文19篇,被引用1200余次(谷歌学术)。担任Plant Cell、Plant Physiology、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、Plant Communications等10余个植物科学期刊审稿人。
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guifeng_Wang
Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/I-7007-2012
⑴2017年11月至今 vic115维多利亚,教授
⑵2008年7月到2017年10月  上海大学生命科学学院,历任讲师、副教授
⑶2014年2月到2016年2月 瑞典农业大学,博士后
⑴国家自然科学基金(联合重点),U22A20466,玉米籽粒硬度调控的分子机制, 2023-2026,主持人;
⑵十四五国家重点研发计划专项(子课题),2021YFF1000303, 玉米高产优质性状形成的分子调控网络及其协同改良机制,2021.7.1-2026.6.30,主持人;
1. Qingqian Zhou*, Zhiyuan Fu*§, Mengyuan Li, Qingwen Shen, Canran Sun, Yijian Feng, Yang Liu, Jianjun Jiang, Tao Qin, Tonglin Mao, Sarah Jane Hearne, Guifeng Wang§, Jihua Tang§. (2023) Maize tubulin folding cofactor B is required for cell division and cell growth through modulating microtubule homeostasis. New Phytologist (In Press)
2. Gang Wang*, Yongyan Wang*, Jiacheng Ni*, Rongrong Li, Fengling Zhu, Ruyin Wang, Qiuzhen Tian, Qingwen Shen, Qinghua Yang, Jihua Tang, Monika W Murcha, Guifeng Wang§. (2022) An MCIA-like complex is required for mitochondrial complex I assembly and seed development in maize. Molecular Plant 15 (9): 1470-1487.
3. Qiuzhen Tian, Gang Wang, Xuexia Ma, Qingwen Shen, Mengli Ding, Xueyi Yang, Xiaoli Luo, Rongrong Li, Zhenghui Wang, Xiangyang Wang, Zhiyuan Fu, Qinghua Yang, Jihua Tang, Guifeng Wang§. (2022) Riboflavin integrates cellular energetics and cell cycle to regulate maize seed development. Plant Biotechnology Journal 20(8): 1487-1501.
4. Yongyan Wang, Hua Jiang, Guifeng Wang§. (2020) PHERES1 controls endosperm gene imprinting and seed development. Trends in Plant Science 25(6): 517-519.
5. Guifeng Wang*, Wei Fan*, Mingyan Ou, Xuewei Wang, Hongli Qin, Fan Feng, Yulong Du, Jiacheng Ni, Jihua Tang, Rentao Song, Gang Wang§. (2019) Dek40 encodes a PBAC4 protein required for 20S proteasome biogenesis and seed development. Plant Physiol. 180(4): 2120-2132.
6. Guifeng Wang, Hua Jiang, Gerardo Del Toro de León, German Martinez, Claudia Köhler§. (2018) Sequestration of a transposon-derived siRNA by a target mimic imprinted gene induces postzygotic reproductive isolation in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 46(6): 696-705. (Recommended by F1000).
7. Gang Wang*, Mingyu Zhong*, Bilian Shuai*, Jiandong Song, Jie Zhang, Liang Han, Huiling Ling, Yuanping Tang, Guifeng Wang§, Rentao Song§. (2017) E+ subgroup PPR protein Defective Kernel 36 is required for multiple mitochondrial transcripts editing and seed development in maize and Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 218 (3): 1233-1246.
8. Guifeng Wang, Fang Wang, Gang Wang, Fei Wang, Xiaowei Zhang, Mingyu Zhong, Jin Zhang, Dianbin Lin, Yuanping Tang, Zhengkai Xu, Rentao Song§. (2012) Opaque1 encodes a Myosin XI motor protein that is required for endoplasmic reticulum motility and protein body formation in maize endosperm. Plant Cell 24(8): 3447-3462. 
(Highlights: Bertino Gregory. (2012) Maize opaque1 and protein body formation. Plant Cell 24: 3168)
9. Guifeng Wang*, Yan Gao*, Jinjun Wang, Liwei Yang, Rentao Song, Xiaorong Li, Jisen Shi§. (2011) Overexpression of two cambium abundant Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) α-expansin genes ClEXPA1 and ClEXPA2 affect growth and development in transgenic tobacco and increase the amount of cellulose in stem cell walls. Plant Biotechnology Journal 9(4): 486-502. 
1. 王桂凤、帅碧莲、倪嘉成、马雪霞、宋建东、韩亮、王刚,用于检测玉米Dek6基因的特异性引物及其应用,ZL201711280730.1,2021.01.12, IPC分类号:C12Q1/6895; C12N15/11。(已授权)
2. 王桂凤、王佳佳、孙晓亮、韩亮、王刚、宋任涛,玉米胚乳蛋白体的分离方法,ZL201610277276.3,2020.4.3, IPC分类号:C07K14/415; C07K1/14。(已授权)
3. 王桂凤、王芳、钟鸣宇、王佳佳、王刚、宋任涛、许政?埃?衩?paque1基因的分子标记及其应用,ZL201310718089.0,2015.03.25,。(已授权)
4. 王桂凤、田秋珍、申清文、马雪霞、陈洪宇、王永彦,玉米ZmRIBA1基因在高赖氨酸玉米育种中的应用,CN202210011039.8/国家知识产权局,2022年04月12日,PC分类号:C12Q1/6895; C12N15/11。
王桂凤、冯雨、马雪霞、倪嘉成、王刚,用于检测玉米1754基因的特异性引物及其应用,CN202010545571.9,2020.06.16, IPC分类号:C12Q1/6895; C12N15/11。
⑴From Nov. 2017, Professor for Plant Molecular Genetics, College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University.
⑵Jul. 2008-Oct. 2017, Assistant/Associate Professor for Plant Molecular Genetics, School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University.
⑶Feb. 2014-Feb. 2016, Postdoc in Plant Developmental Genetics, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden.

⑴Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of Jiangsu Province (2009)
⑵Excellent Young Teachers of Shanghai University (2014)
⑶Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program (2017)
⑷Outstanding youth of scientific and technological innovation in Henan (2018)
⑸Excellent Teachers of Henan Agricultural University (2019)
⑹Distinguished Professor of Henan Province (2019)


1.Guifeng Wang, Wei Fan, Mingyan Ou, Xuewei Wang, Hongli Qin, Fan Feng, Yulong Du, Jiacheng Ni, Jihua Tang, Rentao Song, Gang Wang§. (2019) Dek40 encodes a PBAC4 protein required for 20S proteasome biogenesis and seed development. Plant Physiol. 180(4): 2120-2132.
2.Jiacheng Ni, Xuexia Ma, Yu Feng, Qiuzhen Tian, Yongyan Wang, Ningkun Xu, Jihua Tang, Guifeng Wang§. (2019) Updating and interaction of polycomb repressive complex 2 components in maize (Zea mays). Planta 250(2): 573-588.
3.Tao Qin, Qiuzhen Tian, Guifeng Wang, Liming Xiong§. (2019) LOWER TEMPERATURE 1 enhances ABA responses and plant drought tolerance by modulating the stability and localization of C2-domain ABA-related proteins in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 12(9): 1243-1258.
4.Guifeng Wang, Hua Jiang, Gerardo Del Toro de León, German Martinez, Claudia Köhler§. (2018) Sequestration of a transposon-derived siRNA by a target mimic imprinted gene induces postzygotic reproductive isolation in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 46(6): 696-705. (Recommended by F1000).
5.Gang Wang*, Mingyu Zhong*, Bilian Shuai*, Jiandong Song, Jie Zhang, Liang Han, Huiling Ling, Yuanping Tang, Guifeng Wang§, Rentao Song§. (2017) E+ subgroup PPR protein Defective Kernel 36 is required for multiple mitochondrial transcripts editing and seed development in maize and Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 218 (3): 1233-1246. Corresponding Author.
6.Guifeng Wang, Claudia Köhler§. (2017) Epigenetic processes in flowering plant reproduction. J. Exp. Bot. 68 (4): 797-807.
7.Guifeng Wang*, Gang Wang*, Jiajia Wang*, Yulong Du, Dongsheng Yao, Bilian Shuai, Liang Han, Yuanping Tang, and Rentao Song§. (2016) Comprehensive proteomic analysis of developing protein bodies in maize (Zea mays.) endosperm provides novel insights into its biogenesis. J. Exp. Bot. (2016) 67 (22): 6323-6335.
8.Dongsheng Yao, Weiwei Qi, Xia Li, Qing Yang, Shumei Yan, Huiling Ling, Gang Wang, Guifeng Wang, and Rentao Song§. (2016) Maize Opaque10 encodes a cereal-specific protein that is essential 2 for the proper distribution of zeins in endosperm protein bodies. PLoS Genet 12(8): e1006270.
9.Philip Wolff, Hua Jiang, Guifeng Wang, Juan Santos-González, Claudia Köhler. (2015) Paternally expressed imprinted genes establish postzygotic hybridization barriers in Arabidopsis thaliana. Elife. 4. doi: 10.7554/eLife.10074.
10.Weiwei Qi*, Jie Zhu*, Qiao Wu, Qun Wang, Xia Li, Dongsheng Yao , Ying Jin, Gang Wang , Guifeng Wangand Rentao Song§. (2015) Maize reas1 mutant stimulates ribosome use efficiency and triggers distinct transcriptional and translational responses. Plant Physiol. 170(2): 971-988.
11.Gang Wang*, Jushan Zhang*, Guifeng Wang*, Xiangyu Fan, Xin Sun, Hongli Qin, Nan Xu, Minyu Zhong, Zhenyi Qiao, Yuanping Tang, Rentao Song§. (2014) Proline responding1 plays a critical role in regulating general protein synthesis and the cell cycle in maize. Plant Cell 26(6): 2582-2600. Co-first Author.
12.Guifeng Wang*, Mingyu Zhong*, Jiajia Wang, Jushan Zhang, Yuanping Tang, Gang Wang§ and Rentao Song§. (2014) Genome-wide identification, splicing, and expression analysis of the myosin gene family in maize (Zea mays). J. Exp. Bot. 65(4): 923-938.
13.Guan Wang*, Weiwei Qi*, Qiao Wu, Dongsheng Yao, Jushan Zhang, Jie Zhu, Gang Wang, Guifeng Wang, Yuanping Tang and Rentao Song§. (2014) Identification and characterization of maize floury4 as a novel semidominant opaque mutant that disrupts protein body assembly. Plant Physiol. 165(2): 582-594.
14.Yan Gao, Liming Bian, Jisen Shi§, Jin Xu, Mengli Xi, Guifeng Wang§. (2013) Expression of a conifer COBRA-like gene ClCOBL1 from Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) alters the leaf architecture in tobacco. Plant Physiol. & Bioch. 70: 483-491. Corresponding Author.
15.Guifeng Wang, Fang Wang, Gang Wang, Fei Wang, Xiaowei Zhang, Mingyu Zhong, Jin Zhang, Dianbin Lin, Yuanping Tang, Zhengkai Xu, Rentao Song§. (2012) Opaque1 encodes a Myosin XI motor protein that is required for endoplasmic reticulum motility and protein body formation in maize endosperm. Plant Cell 24(8): 3447-3462.
(Highlights: Bertino Gregory. (2012) Maize opaque1 and protein body formation. Plant Cell 24: 3168)
16.Guifeng Wang, Gang Wang, Xiaowei Zhang, Fang Wang, Rentao Song§. (2012) Isolation of high quality RNA from cereal seeds containing high levels of starch. Phytochem Anal. 23: 159-163.
17.Guifeng Wang, Gang Wang, Fei Wang, Rentao Song§. (2012) A transcriptional roadmap for seed development in maize. IN SEED DEVELOPMENT: OMICS Technologies toward Improvement of Seed Quality and Crop Yield, (Ganesh K. Agrawal, ed.) SPRINGER (The Netherlands).
18.Guifeng Wang*, Yan Gao*, Jinjun Wang, Liwei Yang, Rentao Song, Xiaorong Li, Jisen Shi§. (2011) Overexpression of two cambium abundant Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) α-expansin genes ClEXPA1 and ClEXPA2 affect growth and development in transgenic tobacco and increase the amount of cellulose in stem cell walls. Plant Biotechnol J 9(4): 486-502.
19.Gang Wang*, Xiaoliang Sun*, Guifeng Wang, Fei Wang, Qiang Gao, Rentao Song§. (2011) Opaque7 encodes an acyl-activating enzyme-like protein that affects storage protein synthesis in maize endosperm. Genetics 189: 1281-1295.
20.Guifeng Wang*, Hui Wang*, Jia Zhu, Jing Zhang, Xiaowei Zhang, Fei Wang, Yuanpin Tang, Bin Mei, Zhengkai Xu, Rentao Song§. (2010) An expression analysis of 57 transcription factors derived from ESTs of developing seeds in Maize (Zea mays). Plant Cell Rep 29: 545-559.
21.Guifeng Wang, Yan Gao, Liwei Yang, Jisen Shi. (2007) Identification and analysis of differentially expressed genes in differentiating xylem of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) by suppression subtractive hybridization. Genome 50: 1141-1155.
