

田磊,女,助理研究员。硕士期间,因表现优异,经导师推荐、国内外高校联合考核,被直接推荐到美国知名高校,密西根理工大学唐贵良实验室和美国内布拉斯加-林肯大学 James schnable 的实验室进行交流学习,成为了本校第一个以硕士身份出国学习的学生。在博士期间,曾先后两次获得研究生学业奖学金,并与 2016 年获得了博士研究生国家奖学金。在科研方面,主要从事新型小肽功能研究的相关工作,目前以第一作者(共同第一作者)在 Molecular Plant、Plant Biotechnology Journal 、Journal of Experimental Botany、BMC plant biology 等杂志上发表 SCI 论文 13 篇,其中, 中科院分区一区 Top 期刊论文 3 篇,中科院分区二区论文 9 篇,影响因子 5.0 以 上的 8 篇。
2008.09-2012.07  河南农业大学种子科学与工程专业,学士学位;
2012.09-2019.07  河南农业大学作物遗传育种专业,博士学位;
2012.11-2014.08  美国密西根理工大学访问学者,生物信息学;
2020.10-2022.06  河南省科学技术发展战略研究所, 工程师;
2022.07-至今  河南农业大学, 助理研究员。
2022年河南省“挑战杯” 创业计划竞赛“优秀指导教师”
2022年河南农业大学“互联网+” 大学生创新创业大赛“优秀指导教师”
1. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,新型小肽NCPs在玉米抗病防御中的功能及作用机制解析,2023-2026,258万元,参与。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,抗坏血酸过氧化物酶Zm-APX在玉米免疫防御反应中的功能及分子机制研究,2019-2022,60万元,参与。
3. 国家自然科学基金联合项目,Zm-Prx5在玉米茎腐病抗性中的调控作用及分子机制研究,2019-2021,49万元,参与。
4. 国家自然科学青年基金项目“玉米光周期敏感性基因ZmqDPS10-22的功能及调控网络研究”,2017年至 2019年,22万元,参与。
(1) Lei Tian†, Xueyan Chen†, Xingmeng Jia, Shunxi Wang, Xiaoxu Wang, Jinghua Zhang, Yuqian Zhang, Shubiao Wu, Yanhui Chen, Liuji Wu*. First report of antifungal activity conferred by non-conventional peptides. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 19:2147–2149. IF=13.8,第一作者,中科院1区.
(2) Lei Tian†, Lixia Ku, Zan Yuan, Cuiling Wang, Huihui Su, Shunxi Wang, Xiaoheng Song, Dandan Dou, Zhenzhen Ren, Jinsheng Lai, Tao Liu*, Chunguang Du*, Yanhui Chen*. Large-scale reconstruction of chromatin structures of maize temperate and tropical inbred lines, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2021, 72(10): 3582–3596. IF=7.298,第一作者,中科院1区.
(3) Shunxi Wang†, Lei Tian†, Haijun Liu†, Xiang Li, Jinghua Zhang, Xueyan Chen, Xingmeng Jia, Xu Zheng, Shubiao Wu, Yanhui Chen, Jianbing Yan*, Liuji Wu*. Large-scale discovery of non-conventional peptides in maize and Arabidopsis through an integrated peptidogenomic pipeline. Molecular Plant, 2020, 13(7):1078–1093. IF=27.5,共同第一作者,中科院1区.
(4) Jinlong Zhou†, Lei Tian†, Shunxi Wang, Hongping Li, Yali Zhao, Moubiao Zhang, Xiuling Wang, Panpan An, Chaohai Li*. Ovary Abortion Induced by Combined Waterlogging and Shading Stress at the Flowering Stage Involves Amino Acids and Flavonoid Metabolism in Maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 12:778717. IF=5.6,共同第一作者,中科院2区.
(5) Lei Tian†, Xiyong Zhao†, Hao Liu, Lixia Ku, Shunxi Wang, Zanping Han, Liancheng Wu, Yong Shi, Xiaoheng Song, Yanhui Chen*. Alternative splicing of ZmCCA1 mediates drought response in tropical maize. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(1): e0211623. IF=3.7,第一作者,中科院3区.
(6) Xiaoheng Song†, Lei Tian, Shunxi Wang, Jin-long Zhou, Jun Zhang, Zan Chen, Liuji Wu, Lixia Ku, Yanhui Chen*. Integrating transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of photoperiod sensitive in near isogenic maize line under long-day conditions. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2019, 18(6):11. IF=4.8,共同第一作者,中科院2区.
(7) Zanping Han†*, Bin Wang†, Lei Tian†, Shunxi Wang, Jun Zhang, Shulei Guo , Hengchao Zhang, Lengrui Xu, Chen Yanhui. Comprehensive dynamic transcriptome analysis at two seed germination stages in maize (Zea mays L.). Physiologia Plantarum, 2019, 168(1):205–217. IF=6.4,共同第一作者,中科院2区.
(8) Lei Tian†, Haiping Liu†, Ligang Ren†, Lixia Ku, Liuji Wu, Mingna Li, Shunxi Wang, Jinlong Zhou, Xiaoheng Song, Jun Zhang, Dandan Dou, Huafeng Liu, Guiliang Tang*, Yanhui Chen*. MicroRNA 399 as a potential integrator of photo-response, phosphate homeostasis, and sucrose signaling under long day condition, BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18(1): 290. IF=5.3,第一作者,中科院2区.
(9) Lei Tian†, Shunxi Wang†, Xiaoheng Song, Jun Zhang, Ping Liu, Zan Chen, Yanhui Chen*, Liuji Wu*. Long photoperiod affects the maize transition from vegetative to reproductive stages: a proteomic comparison between photoperiod-sensitive inbred line and its recurrent parent. Amino Acids, 2018, 50:149–161. IF=3.5,第一作者,中科院2区.
(10) Liancheng Wu†, Shunxi Wang†, Lei Tian†, Liuji Wu, Mingna Li, Jun Zhang, Pei Li, Weiqiang Zhang, Yanhui Chen*. Comparative proteomic analysis of the maize responses to early leaf senescence induced by preventing pollination. Journal of Proteomics, 2018, 177: 75–87. IF=3.3,共同第一作者,中科院2区.
(11) Liancheng Wu†, Mingna Li†, Lei Tian†, Shunxi Wang, Liuji Wu, Lixia Ku, Jun Zhang, Xiaoheng Zhang, Yanhui Chen*. Global transcriptome analysis of the maize (Zea mays L.) inbred line 08LF during leaf senescence initiated by pollination-prevention. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(10): e0185838. IF=3.7,共同第一作者,中科院2区.
(12) Liuji Wu†, Lei Tian†, Shunxi Wang, Jun Zhang, Ping Liu, Zhiqiang Tian, Huimin Zhang, Haiping Liu, Yanhui Chen*. Comparative proteomic analysis of the response of maize (Zea mays L.) leaves to long photoperiod condition. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:752. IF=5.6,共同第一作者,中科院2区.
(13) Lixia Ku†, Lei Tian†, HuiHui Su, Wang C, Xintao Wang, Liancheng Wu, Yong Shi, Guohui Li, Zhenzhen Ren, Huitao Wang, Yanhui Chen*. Dual functions of the ZmCCT-associated quantitative trait locus in flowering and stress responses under long-day conditions. BMC Plant Biology, 2016, 16(1):239. IF=5.3,共同第一作者,中科院2区.
(14) Jun Zhang, Fengqi Zhang, Lei Tian, Yong Ding, Jianshuang Qi, Hongfeng Zhang, Xinyuan Mu, Zhiyan Ma, Laikun Xia, Baojun Tang*. Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for 3 husk traits using genotyping by sequencing in maize (Zea mays L.). G3 (Bethesda). 2022, 12(10):jkac198. . IF=2.6,第3作者, 中科院3区.
(15) Shunxi Wang, Zan Chen, Lei Tian, Yezhang Ding, Jun Zhang, Jinlong Zhou, Ping Liu, Yanhui Chen, Liuji Wu*. Comparative proteomics combined with analyses of transgenic plants reveal ZmREM1.3 mediates maize resistance to southern corn rust. Plant Biotechnol J. 2019;17(11):2153-2168. IF=13.8,第3作者,中科院1区.
(16) Ting Peng, Mengmeng Qiao, Haiping Liu, Sachin Teotia, Zhanhui Zhang, Yafan Zhao, Bobo Wang, Dongjie Zhao, Lina Shi, Cui Zhang, Brandon Le, Kestrel Rogers, Chathura Gunasekara, Haitang Duan, Yiyou Gu, Lei Tian, …Guiliang Tang*. A Resource for Inactivation of MicroRNAs Using Short Tandem Target Mimic Technology in Model and Crop Plants. Mol Plant. 2018;11(11):1400-1417. IF=27.5,共同第一作者,中科院1区.
(17) Huihui Su, Zhihui Chen, Yahui Dong, Lixia Ku, Salah Fatouh Abou-Elwafa, Zhenzhen Ren, Yingying Cao, Dandan Dou, Zhixue Liu, Huafeng Liu, Lei Tian, …, Yanhui Chen*. Identification of ZmNF-YC2 and its regulatory network for maize flowering time. J Exp Bot. 2021;72(22):7792-7807. IF=7.298,中科院1区.
(18) Huihui Su, Yingying Cao, Lixia Ku, Wen Yao, Yanyong Cao, Zhenzhen Ren, Dandan Dou, Huitao Wang, Zhaobin Ren, Huafeng Liu, Lei Tian, Yaogang Zheng, Chen Chen, Yanhui Chen*. Dual functions of ZmNF-YA3 in photoperiod-dependent flowering and abiotic stress responses in maize. J Exp Bot. 2018;69(21):5177-5189. IF=7.298,中科院1区.
(19) Yunqian Jin†, Bin Wang†, Lei Tian†, Linxi Zhao, Shulei Guo, Hengchao Zhang, Lengrui Xu, Zanping Han*. Identification of miRNAs and their target genes associated with improved maize seed vigor induced by gibberellin. Front Plant Sci. 2022;13:1008872. IF=5.6,共同第一作者,中科院2区.
(20) Liuji Wu, Xiuli Hu, Shunxi Wang, Lei Tian, Yanjie Pang , Zanping Han, Liancheng Wu, Yanhui Chen. Quantitative analysis of changes in the phosphoproteome of maize induced by the plant hormone salicylic acid. Sci Rep. 2015;5:18155. IF=4.6,第4作者,中科院3区.
(21) Liuji Wu, Xintao Wang , Shunxi Wang, Liancheng Wu, Lei Tian, Zhiqiang Tian, Ping Liu, Yanhui Chen . Comparative proteomic analysis of the shoot apical meristem in maize between a ZmCCT-associated near-isogenic line and its recurrent parent. Sci Rep. 2016;6:30641. . IF=4.6,第5作者,中科院3区.
(22) Xiaofeng Zu, Ping Liu, Shunxi Wang, Lei Tian, Zhiqiang Tian, Yanhui Chen ,Liuji Wu. Overexpression of Zm-HINT1 Confers Salt and Drought Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant molecular biology reporter. IF=2.1,第4作者,中科院4区.
(23) 库丽霞,王付娟,郭书磊,谢丽莉,刘海静,张君,田磊,陈彦惠(2012). 豫综5号玉米综合种淀粉含量轮回选择效果分析. 中国农业科学, 45(8), 8.
(24) 李明娜, 吴连成, 田磊, 王顺喜, 王赛, & 王宇宇 (2017). 阻止授粉诱导玉米衰老提前启动现象的研究. 玉米科学(05), 14-23.
(25) 吴连成,李沛,田磊,王顺喜,李明娜,王宇宇,王赛,陈彦惠(2018). 阻断授粉诱导玉米叶片提前衰老的转录组分析. 作物学报, 44(11), 87-98.
(26) 王赛,王宇宇,王石磊,徐梦真,邹欢,侯清桂,毛棣,田磊,陈彦惠,吴连成 (2019). 基于snp遗传图谱定位玉米雄穗分枝数和主轴长qtls. 河南农业大学学报, 53(5), 6.
陈雪艳,吴刘记,田磊,范文杰。一种带正电荷的抗真菌肽QM-18及其应用。专利号:ZL 2022 1 0645813.0。专利授权日:2023年05月02日(第3发明人)
吴刘记,田磊,陈雪艳。一种非传统肽及其应用。申请号:2022211028390.4。专利申请日:2022年0825日 (第2发明人)