

       1. 麦类基因组解析:团队领衔完成了威宁黑麦基因组精细物理图谱构建,相关结果发表于国际主流杂志Nature Genetics;团队与中国农业科学院等多家单位共同合作破译了小麦优良品种矮抗58的基因组(序列已提前释放、多篇论文撰写中),并揭示了特异转座子在稳定多倍体亚基因组过程中的重要作用(Genome Biology);研究了普通小麦的亚基因组二倍体化和分化,并建立了基于同源位点的全基因组关联研究(HGWAS)方法,该方法比基于单一同源位点的全基因组关联研究更有效地揭示了农艺性状相关位点(Molecular Plant)。团队带头人作为主要力量之一,完成了乌拉尔图小麦基因组测序和精细图谱的绘制,相关结果发表于国际著名杂志Nature。
       2. 小麦重要农艺性状控制分子机理解析:团队对小麦籽粒终用途品质也开展了持续和深入研究,建立了利用系列突变体解析并改良小麦籽粒品质的研究体系,挖掘了具有育种实用价值和自主知识产权的优质基因新变异(如1Ax1G330EGli-D2-null),研究结果发表于Molecular Plant、Plant Journal等刊物;深入研究了黄矮病致病机理以及小麦白粉病抗性机制,研究结果发表于Science Advances、Molecular Plant、New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology Journal等主流刊物。
       3. 小麦遗传改良(分子育种):通过分子标记辅助选择和常规育种技术相结合,培育出了富含花青素和矿质营养元素的营养功能型小麦新品种豫州黑麦1号和豫州黑麦2号以及优质强筋小麦新品种科兴3302,三个品种均于2021年6月通过了河南省品种审定委员会的审定。耐盐抗旱小麦新品种豫州810和科兴789于2021年11月通过了山东省品种审定委员会的审定。酿酒专用小麦新品种豫州109于2022年6月通过了河南省品种审定委员会的审定。豫州473、豫州121和豫州紫麦3号已完成区域试验和生产试验,即将于2023年底通过审定。
  1. Jia J, Zhao G, Li D, Wang K, Kong C, Deng P, Yan X, Zhang X, Lu Z, Xu S, Jiao Y, Chong K, Liu X, Cui D, Li G, Zhang Y, Du C, Wu L, Li T, Yan D, Zhan K, Chen F, Wang Z, Zhang L, Kong X, Ru Z*, Wang D*, Gao L*. Genome resources for the elite bread wheat cultivar Aikang 58 and mining of elite homeologous haplotypes for accelerating wheat improvement. Molecular Plant. 2023; 16: 1893-1910.
  2. Li G#, Wang Z#, Meng Y, Fu ZQ, Wang D*, Zhang K*. A new phase of treasure hunting in plant genebanks. Molecular Plant. 2023; 16: 503-505.
  3. Wang L#, Zhang K#, Wang Z, Yang J, Kang G, Liu Y, You L, Wang X, Jin H*, Wang D*, Guo T*. Appropriate reduction of importin-αgene expression enhances yellow dwarf disease resistance in common wheat. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2023; doi: 10.1111/pbi.14204.
  4. Zheng H, Zhao J, Wang D*, Fu ZQ*. Rising from the dead: the power of genome editing. Science China Life Sciences. 2023; 66: 2949-2951.
  5. Jin H, Han X, Wang Z, Xie Y, Zhang K, Zhao X, Wang L, Yang J, Liu H, Ji X, Dong L, Zheng H, Hu W, Liu Y, Wang X, Zhou X, Zhang Y, Qian W, Zheng W, Shen Q*, Gou M*, Wang D*. Barley GRIK1?SnRK1 kinases subvert a viral virulence protein to upregulate antiviral RNAi and inhibit infection. EMBO Journal. 2022; 41(18): e110521.
  6. Li G, Wang L, Yang J*, He H, Jin H, Li X, Ren T, Ren Z, Li F, Han X, Zhao X, Dong L, Li Y, Song Z, Yan Z, Zheng N, Shi C, Wang Z, Yang S, Xiong Z, Zhang M, Sun G, Zheng X, Gou M, Ji C, Du J, Zheng H, Doležel J, Deng X, Stein N, Yang Q*, Zhang K*, Wang D*. A high-quality genome assembly highlights rye genomic characteristics and agronomically important genes. Nature Genetics. 2021; 53: 574-584.
  7. Qi G, Chen H, Wang D, Zheng H, Tang X, Guo Z, Cheng J, Chen J, Wang Y, Bai M, Liu F, Wang D*, Fu Z*. The BZR1-EDS1 module regulates plant growth-defense coordination. Molecular Plant. 2021; 14: 2072-2087.
  8. Zhai H, Jiang C, Zhao Y, Yang S, Li Y, Yan K, Wu S, Luo B, Du Y, Jin H, Liu X, Zhang Y, Lu F, Reynolds M, Ou X, Qiao W, Jiang Z, Peng T, Gao D, Hu W, Wang J, Gao H, Yin G, Zhang K*, Li G*, Wang D*. Wheat heat tolerance is impaired by heightened deletions in the distal end of 4AL chromosomal arm. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021; 19: 1038-1051.
  9. Xia T, Yang Y, Zheng H, Han X, Jin H, Xiong Z, Qian W, Xia L, Ji X, Li G*, Wang D*, Zhang K*. Efficient expression and function of a receptor-like kinase in wheat powdery mildew defence require an intron-located MYB binding site. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021; 19: 897-909.
  10. Wang D*, Li F, Cao S, Zhang K*. Genomic and functional genomics analyses of gluten proteins and prospect for simultaneous improvement of end-use and health-related traits in wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2020; 133: 1521-1539.
  11. Jin H, Du Z, Zhang Y, Antal J, Xia Z, Wang Y, Gao Y, Zhao X, Han X, Cheng Y, Shen Q, Zhang K, Elder RE, Benko Z, Fenyvuesvolgyi C, Li G, Rebello D, Li J, Bao S, Zhao RY*, Wang D*. A distinct class of plant and animal viral proteins that disrupt mitosis by directly interrupting the mitotic entry switch Wee1-Cdc25-Cdk1. Science Advances. 2020; 6: eaba3418.
  12. Ji X*, Yang B, Wang D*. Achieving plant genome editing while bypassing tissue culture. Trends in Plant Science. 2020; 25: 427-429.
  13. Zheng H, Dong L, Han X, Jin H, Yin C, Han Y, Li B, Qin H, Zhang J, Shen Q, Zhang K*, Wang D*. The TuMYB46L-TuACO3 module regulates ethylene biosynthesis in einkorn wheat defense to powdery mildew. New Phytologist. 2020; 225: 2526-2541.
  14. Cao X, Dong Z, Tian D, Dong L, Qian W, Liu J, Liu X, Qin H, Zhai W, Gao C, Zhang K*, Wang D*. Development and characterization of marker-free and transgene insertion site-defined transgenic wheat with improved grain storability and fatty acid content. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2020;18: 129-140.
  15. Zhang K*, Wang J, Qin H, Wei Z, Hang L, Zhang P, Reynolds M, Wang D*. Assessment of the individual and combined effects of Rht8 and Ppd-D1a on plant height, time to heading and yield traits in common wheat. The Crop Journal. 2019; 7: 845-856.
  16. Ling HQ*, Ma B, Shi X, Liu H, Dong L, Sun H, Cao Y, Gao Q, Zheng S, Li Y, Yu Y, Du H, Qi M, Li Y, Lu H, Yu H, Cui Y, Wang N, Chen C, Wu H, Zhao Y, Zhang J, Li Y, Zhou W, Zhang B, Hu W, van Eijk MJT, Tang J, Witsenboer HMA, Zhao S, Li Z, Zhang A*, Wang D*, Liang C*. Genome sequence of the progenitor of wheat A subgenome Triticum urartu. Nature. 2018; 557: 424-428.
  17. Qi G, Chen J, Chang M, Chen H, Hall K, Korin J, Liu F, Wang D*, Fu ZQ*. Pandemonium breaks out: disruption of salicylic acid-mediated defense by plant pathogens. Molecular Plant. 2018; 11: 1427-1439.
  18. Li D, Jin H, Zhang K, Wang Z, Wang F, Zhao Y, Huo N, Liu X, Gu YQ, Wang D*, Dong L*. Analysis of the Gli-D2 locus identifies a genetic target for simultaneously improving the breadmaking and health-related traits of common wheat. Plant Journal. 2018; 95: 414-426.
  19. Xiao J, Dong L, Jin H, Zhang J, Zhang K, Liu N, Han X, Zheng H, Zheng W*, Wang D*. Reactions of Triticum urartu accessions to two races of the wheat yellow rust pathogen. The Crop Journal. 2018; 6: 509-515.
  20. Zhang Y,  Li D,  Zhang D,  Zhao X,  Cao X,  Dong L,  Liu J,  Chen K,  Zhang H, Gao C*, Wang D*. Analysis of the functions of TaGW2 homoeologs in wheat grain weight and protein content traits. Plant Journal 2018; 94: 857-866.
  21. Wang D*, Zhang K, Dong L, Dong Z, Li Y, Hussain A, Zhai H. Molecular genetic and genomic analysis of wheat milling and end-use traits in China: Progress and perspectives. The Crop Journal 2018; 6: 68-81.